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Saint Mokios the Hieromartyr and Unmercenary of Amphipolis

Saint Mokios the Hieromartyr and Unmercenary of Amphipolis

Regular price €150,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €150,00 EUR
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NOTICE: There are no religious icons available that depicts this saint. The only available photo that depicts this saint is this mural fresco. If you order this saint you will receive an icon in the same style as in the photo with better colors and details. 

St. Mocius was a presbyter in Macedonia in the city of Amphipolis. During a persecution against Christians under the emperor Diocletian (284-305), St Mocius exhorted the pagans who had assembled for the pagan festival of Dionysus (Bacchus), to abandon iniquity and the vile customs which accompanied this celebration. He urged them to repent and be converted to the Lord Jesus Christ, and be cleansed through holy Baptism. The saint was brought to trial before the governor of Laodicea. When threatened with torture, he replied, "My death for Christ is a great accomplishment for me." St Mocius was subjected to torture, which he bore with marvelous endurance, and did not cease to denounce the idol-worshippers. Taken to the pagan temple of Dionysus, the saint shattered the idols when he called upon Jesus Christ. After this he was put into a red-hot oven, where he remained unharmed, but the flames coming out of the oven scorched the governor. Again the commander subjected St Mocius to fierce torture, which he endured with the help of God. He was given to wild beasts to be eaten, but they did not touch him. The lions lay down at his feet. The people, seeing such miracles, urged that the saint be set free. The governor ordered the saint to be sent to the city of Perinth, and from there to Byzantium, where St Mocius was executed. St. Mocius died about the year 295. Later, the emperor Constantine built a church in honor of the hieromartyr Mocius and transferred his holy passion-bearing relics into it. 



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Care Instructions

My handpainted icons are made from natural materials that constantly interact with their environment. These above materials are sensitive to extreme light, heat and humidity.

Handling the icons should also be done cautiously; oils from our hands can stain their shiny surface. Dust can softly be removed with a pure white cloth.

Following the above simple instructions will guarantee that your icon will age gracefully through time and will be enjoyed by the generations to come.

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