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Saint Modestos, Archbishop of Jerusalem

Saint Modestos, Archbishop of Jerusalem

Regular price €150,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €150,00 EUR
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Orthodox icon of Saint Modestos, Archbishop of Jerusalem, on thick plywood 20mm, which does not sting and keeps its shape over time. Preparation with acrylic stucco and have been used acrylic colors. It has been covered with varnish to keep the colors undiluted in time and humidity. Hanging clip included on the back of the icon. 

St. Modestos was born at the beginning of the 4th century AD. in Sebastia, Asia Minor. During Diocletian's persecution, his Christian parents were imprisoned and died. The upbringing of the Saint was undertaken by a pagan. When Modestus grew up, he learned that his parents had given their lives for the Christian faith and he decided to become a Christian, secretly from his pagan father. Modestus was later taken over by a pious Christian from Athens who raised him according to the requirements of the Christian faith. When the Saint was in Jerusalem to worship the Holy Sepulcher, the gates of the Tomb were miraculously opened. This was the reason why the people elected him Archbishop of Jerusalem. Modestus was distinguished for his philanthropic work and, with God's help, healed both humans and animals. The Saint renovated the Holy Shrines that had been destroyed by the Persians. According to one tradition, he died peacefully. According to another tradition, he was horribly tortured by the Jews and he was beheaded. Saint Modestus is considered the protector of animals and the Church honors his memory on December 16 of each year. 


wood panel

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Care Instructions

My handpainted icons are made from natural materials that constantly interact with their environment. These above materials are sensitive to extreme light, heat and humidity.

Handling the icons should also be done cautiously; oils from our hands can stain their shiny surface. Dust can softly be removed with a pure white cloth.

Following the above simple instructions will guarantee that your icon will age gracefully through time and will be enjoyed by the generations to come.

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